Three children riding their bikes wearing bike helmets.

Child Safety and Injury Prevention

Wolfson Children’s is committed to reducing preventable injuries and keeping kids out of the hospital through child safety and prevention programs in the community.

THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health

THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health was founded in 2011 to improve the health, wellness and quality of life of the families living within the communities we serve.

graphical logo for The Players Center for Child Health at Wolfson Children's Hospital

Why Wolfson Advocates for Kids

Advocating for children is the most important part of our mission. Through THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health at Wolfson Children’s, we reach beyond the walls of the hospital to promote safe and healthy childhoods for all kids in our region.

THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health

THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health was founded in 2011 to improve the health, wellness and quality of life of the families living within the communities we serve.

  • Safe Kids Northeast Florida

    Helping parents and caregivers protect kids from unintentional injuries that can be avoided through education and awareness.

    • Car and booster seat checks
    • Safety programs
    • Events and workshops
    • Safety device distribution

    graphic logo for Safe Kids Northeast Florida

  • Positive Parenting

    We know parenting can be a challenge sometimes. Here, you'll find resources and advice to guide you in the right direction when frustration gets high and patience runs low.

  • Jacksonville Sports Medicine Program

    Coordinating medical resources and educational programs for athletic organizations and area youth. The program is a collaboration between Wolfson Children’s Hospital and other local pediatric healthcare partners.

    • Free student-athlete health screenings
    • Education programs
    • CPR / AED / first aid /coach safety training

    graphical logo of Jacksonville Sports Medicine Program

  • Toy buying and safety tips

  • Vehicle safety tips for kids

  • Home safety for young kids