Back Pain
Children can experience significant back pain due to a number of conditions, whether congenital (at birth), caused by a traumatic injury or associated with another disease or disorder. Our pediatric pain management experts develop a personalized plan for each child, using a variety of treatments including medicinal, behavioral and rehabilitative therapies.
From teaching relaxation techniques and coping skills to improving strength and mobility through physical and occupational therapy, we find the right combination to help keep your child pain-free. For more information or an appointment, call 904.697.3600.
Some spine conditions can be treated by neurosurgeons and others by orthopedic surgeons, or both. At Wolfson Children's, our multidisciplinary team works together to treat the specific needs of your child. The spine team includes experienced pediatric neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists, anesthesiologists, rehabilitation therapists and others to care for your child's specific needs.
The Spine Center serves children from North Florida, South Georgia and beyond. Wolfson Children's is located on the south bank of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida.