Three boys playing outside

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

In the event of an emergency, always call 911.

Address and Directions

Wolfson Children's Hospital - Main Campus
800 Prudential Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32207

All Locations
Occupational therapist working with pediatric patient

Recognize Your Child’s Caregivers

If your child received outstanding care from one of his or her caregivers, you can help recognize that caregiver by nominating him or her for an award.

  • The DAISY Award

    The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skills and compassionate care nurses provide every day. Wolfson Children's Hospital is proud to be a DAISY Award partner, recognizing one of our nurses with this special honor every quarter.
    Each DAISY Award Honoree will receive a:

    • Certificate
    • DAISY Award pin
    • Hand-carved stone sculpture entitled the Healer's Touch
    • Cinnabon gift certificate

    If your child received outstanding care from one of his or her nurses, please nominate your nurse by filling out this online nomination form.
    To find out more about the DAISY Award program, please go to

  • The LOTUS Award

    The LOTUS Award honors non-nurse clinical caregivers who consistently demonstrate excellence through exceptional clinical performance and compassionate care.
    Each LOTUS Award Honoree will receive a:

    • Certificate
    • LOTUS Award pin
    • Crystal LOTUS sculpture
    • Insulated tumbler

    If your child received outstanding care from one of his or her non-nurse clinical caregivers, please nominate the caregiver by filling out this online nomination form.