Smiling woman in blue Wolfson Children's shirt pushes a cart of books down a hospital hallway

Volunteer Opportunities

At Wolfson Children’s Hospital, our caring Auxiliary volunteers meet many needs of children and families throughout the hospital.

Hospital Volunteers

Our Auxiliary volunteers donate time to a variety of programs and departments at the hospital, and work in a variety of roles ranging from patient and family support to clerical work.

  • We’re looking for people who are willing to help with whatever is needed.
  • Placement of volunteers is based on our needs and on abilities and availability of volunteer.
  • Our need for volunteers fluctuates seasonally so we are not always able to accept applications.

Requirements for volunteers:

  • Age - Must be a high school graduate or equivalent, at least 18, and able to join the Wolfson Children’s Hospital Auxiliary and abide by its policies.
  • Time - Must be able to make a 12 month commitment. Shifts are 3-4 hours and are typically weekday mornings or afternoons. Must be able to commit to a shift on the same day and time every week, and able to attend annual volunteer training.
  • Health - Annual tuberculosis (TB) skin test and seasonal flu vaccination is required and provided at no cost to volunteers.


To join the Wolfson Children's Auxiliary volunteer team, fill out the membership application and follow the instructions for submission.

Complete the application

Donation drop offs may be coordinated through the office or left at the desk in the children’s admitting area on the first floor. Please write WCH Auxiliary on the outside of the box or bag along with the donation form.

Complete the form

Grace Andersen Pet Therapy Program

Trained volunteers and their dogs bring joy to patients of all ages at Wolfson Children's and Baptist Health.

To learn more about volunteering with our pet therapy program, call the Wolfson Children's Auxiliary at 904.202.8008.

pet therapy dog

Donating Items

A gift of toys, games, clothing, personal items and more can make a big difference to children and families spending time in the hospital and are accepted all year. We are in need of brand-new underwear and clothing for teens and adults as well as brand-new board books for babies and story books for toddlers. Stuffed animals are needed year round for ages newborn-21.

Guidelines for donated items:

  • Toys must be brand new and not gift wrapped
  • No toys with violent themes
  • Donations may not be religious in nature or content
  • Latex balloons are not allowed
  • Stickers are not accepted
  • Handmade cards are not accepted
patient with donated stuffed animal

Ways for Groups or Organizations to Help

Not able to help in the hospital? There are still other ways individuals, groups and children can help support patients through volunteer service to Wolfson Children's.

  • Toiletry Kits

    You can make a patient’s and family’s stay at the hospital more comfortable by putting together toiletry kits. Please provide travel sizes only, including detangler spray, deodorant (boy and girl), electric toothbrushes (kid), toothpaste (kid), shampoo and conditioner, dry shampoo, body wash, hair brushes, lotion, razor and shaving cream, and feminine care products.

  • Piggy Banks

    Being hospitalized isn’t fun, but a visit from the Wolfie Wagon, our store on wheels, can be a bright spot for kids. Your group can decorate and fill small piggy banks each with $5. We distribute them to children staying in the hospital so they can make a purchase. Money raised from the Wolfie Wagon comes directly back to the Auxiliary to help fund children’s projects.

  • Fleece Blankets

    This project is a simple activity that provides a large amount of comfort to patients and families. No-sew fleece kits are sold at craft stores, or other DIY instructions can be found on Pinterest or YouTube. We try to provide every hospitalized child a fleece blanket.

  • Activity Kits

    Fill baggies with ready-to-make crafts (please include the supplies and directions) and fun things to do, such as word search books, coloring books, crayons, scissors, maze and puzzle books, colored pencils, glue sticks, paint, etc. No stickers, please.

More Ways to Give

Because of donations, Wolfson Children’s Hospital is consistently ranked among the nation’s best children’s hospitals and we are able to provide care to all children, regardless of their family’s financial situation. Your support helps provide the doctors, facilities and innovations that give children in our area the best chance for hope, health and happiness.