Pediatric epilepsy patient

Epilepsy and Seizures

Wolfson Children's Hospital provides a full range of epilepsy care for children, including monitoring, medical management and advanced surgical treatments for the most severe cases.

Walter and Michelle Stys Neuroscience Institute

Wolfson Children's Hospital
Nemour's Children's Hospital
University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville

Wolfson Children’s Hospital provides pediatric neuroscience services in collaboration with Nemours Children's Health, Jacksonville and the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville.
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National Association of Epilepsy Centers logo

Nationally Recognized Specialized Care

The Epilepsy Center at the Stys Neuroscience Institute has a level 4 designation (highest level) from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers. This means families in our area have access to a nationally recognized, specialized center serving their needs.

Why Wolfson

Wolfson Children’s Hospital has been ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the 50 best children’s hospitals in the nation for neurology and neurosurgery. Our team is involved in research and clinical trials and provides treatment options based on the latest medical advancements. Our Nurse Coordinator will help you through the process by arranging appointments and any studies that may be necessary.

Family-Centered Care

Evaluating and caring for infants, children and adolescents with epilepsy requires an expert team, working as one, to provide family-centered care. Wolfson Children's brings together specialists from Nemours Children's Health and University of Florida School of Medicine – Jacksonville. This comprehensive approach for a family provides support every step of the way so parents can make the best possible decisions for their child.

Detailed Evaluation for Children

At Wolfson Children’s, we know kids. Our pediatric-trained team evaluates children for medical, psychological, social and education issues. We use the latest imaging and testing to help identify what’s wrong. Also, your child can be safely monitored during seizures at our pediatric neurodiagnostic center so a proper diagnosis can be made.

Walter and Michelle Stys Neuroscience Institute

Wolfson Children's Hospital
Nemour's Children's Hospital
University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville

Wolfson Children’s Hospital provides pediatric neuroscience services in collaboration with Nemours Children's Health, Jacksonville and the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville.
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LAB-EEG accreditation logo

Brunell Family Pediatric Neurodiagnostic Center

This child-friendly center offers advanced digital electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment for monitoring electrical activity in the brains of children with epilepsy and other seizure disorders. This sophisticated monitoring is done by pediatric specialists, together with pediatric neurologists or epileptologists.

Are your child’s seizures difficult to control?

Has your child been on two or more seizure medications but continues to have seizures? Meet with our specialists to discuss additional treatment options, including alternative medications, ketogenic diet or surgery.

Treatments We Offer

After we’ve confirmed a condition, the team works together to form a treatment plan specifically for your child.

  • The Stys Neuroscience Institute team provides compassionate, family-centered care in our state-of-the-art facility. Our team works together to create a treatment plan based on your child’s specific needs and the latest medical advancements.

  • The Stys Neuroscience Institute serves the North Florida and South Georgia region and beyond. Wolfson Children’s is located on the south bank of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida.

Debunking Myths About Epilepsy

Patient Stories

  • Epilepsy patient Madison Copeland

    Hope for epilepsy cure with surgery

    Madison underwent a five-hour surgery to affix a grid over her brain to determine the exact location of her seizures.

    Read Madison's Story
  • Epilepsy patient Stephen Maddox

    Seizure-free after brain mapping

    After suffering for five years with visual disturbances, headaches, nausea, and exhaustion, Stephen and his parents wanted answers.

    Read Stephen's Story