What To Expect
Referral process
Our team is here to answer your questions and provide information and support you in any way we can. Wolfson collaborates with insurance companies and other payers, to ensure you and your baby have access to the most appropriate treatment. Our staff will gather your initial information and we will ask that your medical records be forwarded to us. Additional testing may be required. One of our seven maternal-fetal medicine specialists (perinatologists) will review your medical information. Following review, we will contact you with the recommendations from our specialists and set up the consultation process.
In some cases, a family coming from afar may need to temporarily relocate to Jacksonville to undergo evaluation and care. If you are traveling to Jacksonville from out of town, we can help with arrangements and accommodations. There are many options for you and your family, whether you are here for an evaluation or need to relocate for a longer period.
Our Out-of Town Packet and Visitor Guide includes local directions, maps, air travel information, accommodations, and other services. Ronald McDonald House is located nearby.
Jill Craven, RN
Nurse Coordinator