Pre-Operative Tour
An interactive program designed to educate and prepare children for surgery
Having surgery can be a scary experience for children, which is why child life offers a pre-operative tour for children between the ages of 3 and 18 who are scheduled for surgery at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Provided by a certified child life specialist trained in helping children cope with the unfamiliar hospital setting, the tour is offered at no charge to Wolfson Children’s patients.
What is a pre-operative tour?
This interactive program is designed to lessen anxiety by helping children understand what will happen on the day of their surgery by introducing them and you to the sights, sounds, smells and processes of our surgical services. The child life specialist provides support and helps children prepare for and navigate through the surgical experience, from check-in through recovery.
What happens on the tour?
Our child life specialist will walk children and parents through pre-operative rooms while providing photos of the operating room and real medical equipment for children to see and touch. The child will be prepared for their individual developmental needs related to specific information about his or her surgery, anesthesia, and hospitalization. Coping strategies will be established for the child to utilize on the day of surgery.
Schedule a tour
All About Me Form
Complete this form and bring it with you so we can get to know your child and any special needs.